Inside Scoop News- Planet Thalia
"Planet Thalia is proud to bring you the latest news for the month of June 2000."
Inside Scoop : June 2000 : All rights reserved © Ruth & Renata Productions


Date: 25 June 2000
News Source: The Buzz
Kris Aquino & Boy Abunda
By: Anna/ Thanks to Lyne C.

Thalia NEWS from the Philipines

"Rosalinda" Takes a  75 % Wide Margin Big Winner In the Battle of the Soaps in the Philippines.

Again, the "Rosalinda" fever has not stopped its fuel with the masses hearts and minds as it still punches hard and strong in the TV ratings, earning as of today, 75% of the viewership patronage.  Since its premiere last January 10, the fire for Thalia and her "Rosalinda" by the Filipino viewers nation wide seems even to be getting stronger by the day.  This indicates the peopleís zest for Thalia mania no matter how foreign looking she may look like as long as it attracts the Filipinos taste for great TV entertainment.  The next list of soaps following the number one spot taken by "Rosalinda" has garnered 65% and 46% respectively.
Date: 25 June 2000
News Source: Afisorama Magazine
by:Dimitris K.

Afisorama- Thalia Interview

Reporter : I have to tell you that Greek audience loves you from the soapoperas ³Marimar² , Maria la del Barrio and Rosalinda . How do you feel that you are so famous in Greece?

Thalia: First of all I love you ! It¹s so amazing that in Greece you let me go into your houses  with my work. This is  a very nice present  that you open o small part of your heart to me .I have no words to thank you. I remember when I had visited  Greece for vacations  and something  inside me was telling me : ³ You are from here  , you are from Greece . Somehow in another life I was from Greece" . Amazing ! And now that you telling me that !

Reporter: We love you so much .Are you planning to visit Greece?

Thalia: (with enthusiasm) Definitely! . First of all I love your country , because it¹s so beautiful and the food is amazing.pita, suvlaki the sunset In Santorini  and of course Athens Š

Reporter: Let¹s talk about the beginning of your career. Is it true that you started when you were 4 years old.

Thalia: When I was 4 years old I appeared for a minute in a movie where my sister , who is actress as well ,played. Basically I started in a group named "Tin Tin". We were 4 children  9 y.o of age. Two girls and two boys and we began to work in very intense pace  Little by little ,well ,I began to built my career.

Reporter: What led you to become an artist? What is the thing that you enjoy the most  in your job?

Find more of Thalia's answers at our Interview Section

Date: 25 June 2000
News Source: Magazine 'MUSIC LIFE'
by: Dimitris K.


Fire and lava , spicy and erotic, the actress and singer Mexican and American, that she is Ariadna Thalia Sodi Miranda (Thalia), the exotic- bursting  latina that daily goes into our houses and turns our life upside down.

In addition Mariah Carey knows that very well , since now the 29 years old Thalia enjoys the love of Tommy Mottola , M.C ex- husband, president of Sony.

She showed her talent in singing for the first time ,when she appeared in the Christmas program ŒChiquilladse¹ for the children in 1983. Her brand new album Arrasando has recently been released and has already been loved throughout the world.

This is not something new for her, to enjoy the love and admiration  not only from her compatriots but also  from other countries.

In Central America , and countries like Philippines , Chily , Argentina , Brazil her previous album ŒAmor A la Mexicana Œof 1997  has sold 750000 copies within a 2 weeks period.

Gloria¹s Estefan husband Emilio Œkeep your hands short Thalia¹ he is her producer in this new recording. Among 12 songs of Arrasando Rosalinda is already in the top list of preference , while the single  EE is played on the clubs since 27 of March.

Find how spicy this Interview is.@ interview section o f PT

Date: 25 June 2000
Thanks to: Nena


La cantante y actriz mexicana, quien recientemente visitó nuestro país, se reunió con TV-Grama y habló de su futuro sentimental junto al magnate de la música -y ex marido de Mariah Carey- Tommy Mottola (50). Thalía (26) nos confesó que ya tenía fecha de boda y aseguró que, en su momento, compartirá todos los detalles del enlace con su público. "Me siento muy enamorada... La vida me ha regalado la oportunidad de ser feliz junto a una persona maravillosa, que me comprende y me ama al igual que yo".

Fascinada con los resultados que ha tenido su disco en Chile, la cantante mexicana se reunió con TV-Grama el lunes recién pasado en las dependencias del hotel Hyatt. En la foto, nótese el anillo de compromiso que ella luce orgullosa. "Es como para estar en casa. Mi hogar siempre lo tengo así, aromatizado, con velitas, con la luz muy tenue. No importa el lugar en que esté, siempre trato de crear mi atmósfera y me gusta que cada persona que llegue, sienta que está en un lugar cálido y acogedor". Thalía nos habla de la ambientación que acompaña a sus entrevistas durante los viajes de promoción del disco "Arrasando", cuyo single "Entre el mar y una estrella" se ubica en las primeras posiciones de los rankings nacionales y ya es número uno en los Hot Latin Tracks del Billboard.

La gira se inició en marzo, en Miami, ciudad donde nuestra revista tuvo la oportunidad de acompañarla. "En aquella ocasión -explica Thalía, mientras bebe su agua mineral- sentía el nerviosismo y la emoción de tener en mis manos este hijo musical que quería compartir con ustedes. Ahorita te puedo decir que estoy feliz con los resultados. La gente ha recibido maravillosamente bien mi disco y espero que todo continúe igual, y ojalá mejor". Al costado de la habitación en el hotel Hyatt se ubica su madre (Yolanda), quien la acompaña en todos sus viajes, y sigue cada detalle de la entrevista, mientras su hija, concentrada en el diálogo, acaricia su lisa cabellera, dejando observar el costoso anillo de compromiso que le obsequió su futuro marido.

Find more about this Interview

Date: 25 June 2000
News Source: English Interview on GREEK TV
Thanks to: Dimitris K.

English Interview on GREEK TV

After the welcoming of EMI representatives around the world by Mr. Hoffman, who manages Hoffman Enterprises, and who handles Thalia being as one of their talents, Thalia was being interviewed in English for her Greek fans:  We bring to you that entire interview which we hope would add to your knowledge about who Thalia is really in person:

T for Thalia.
M for Michael , the interviewer

M I am glad to see you!

T No, Michael,  I am happy that you came. That's so good like in
some of those occasions.

M Oh! My God, you are so beautiful, you know that?  I know you
know. I'm glad that you know. I can see that in your eyes.

T No, I donít know. You are telling me so I feel better.

M We are here, me a host from Greece and you a celebrity from

T Good! You said Mejico perfectly.

M Now, we're in Miami. You know what?

T Try to talk in English cause I'm trying to.

M Okay, let me tell you something. From the very beginning, my mom
knows you, my mom knows you (with a stress).

T But, how?

M You're from Mexico. You are an international star.  Have you
imagined that before?

T You know that happened when Televisa which is a big company where
I work for, they sell our soap operas in 120 countries.

Find more about this Interview

Date: 22 June 2000
News Source: News from Chile 
by:Jacqueline O.


SANTIAGO CHILE 20 de junio . Manoseos al por mayor recibio la cantante y actriz mexicana Thalía, al presentarse en una casa discogr·fica de la capital chilena.

Un publico en verdad enfervorizado la aplaudio a rabiar mientras un grupo de juvenes intentaba manosearla, amparandose en el tumulto y la

De la mano de su madre Yolanda, la cantante mexicana solo atino a correr y ya en el interior del local, mostro signos de asfixia." Fue una pesadilla", afrimo.

Luego de cuarenta minutos, la interprete de Entre el mar y una estrela, pudo seguir con su programa firmando autografos, pos·ndo para las c·maras y recibiendo saludos de sus admiradores.

En materia artistica y después de tres aóos sin grabar. Thalía presento en Santiago su disco Arrasando del que ya ha vendido 20,000 copias en Chile.

"Fue hermoso- dijo preparar este disco y el resultado superó por completo las espectativas . Partició en cada detalle: elegí los temas , escribí las letras, y me ocupé de los arreglos musicales y el diseóo de la portada. Es como una radiografía peronal.
Date: 22 June 2000
News Source: Weng of OctoArts-EMI Music International


Sales of "Arrasando" as of Today in Philippine Islands.

I have just talked to my friend at OctoArts-EMI Music International and she told me that "Arrasando" CD sales here in Filipinas has reached the Gold mark as of today and that, she will tell me the exact figures as soon as she gets it after the cut off date. So stay tune for the latest update on it.
Date: 20 June 2000
News Source: Alex and Dimitris K.

Thalia CD sales in Greece.

The "Arrasando" CD is at number 2 at the record sales list in Greece, "Amor a la Mexicana" CD is also inside the top 10 list as well as "En Extasis" CD. This indicates how Thalia is so hot with the Greeks that even though, the earlier released Thalia record albums are still being sold like hotcakes in that great nation named Greece!
Date: June 20,  2000
News Source:

Thalía presume su compromiso

  • La cantante asiste al programa 'Hola, Susana' y luce su 'joya de compromiso', pero no dice cuándo será la boda
  • Su visita causó conmoción en Argentina entre sus fans.

  • Thalía presume su compromiso
  • El Norte © Derechos Reservados

  • El Norte (20/06/2000).-Primero fue en México, después en España, ahora Thalía gritó a los cuatro vientos en Argentina estar enamorada de Tommy Mottola... ¡y que le dio anillo de compromiso!

    La cantante asistió, este fin de semana, al popular programa de Susana Giménez, Hola, Susana, y ahí fue donde le mostró la joya a la comunicadora, quien se impresionó por la belleza del anillo.

    Thalía viajó hasta Argentina como parte de la gira promocional de su más reciente elepé, Arrasando, después de haber pasado unos días en la Madre Patria.

    La mexicana es de las artistas consentidas de Argentina, y por tal, su visita causó conmoción entre sus fans.

    Una de las actividades promocionales que realizó fue en un centro comercial de Buenos Aires, donde estuvo casi tres horas firmando autógrafos a unos 600 seguidores; se le vio contenta, sonriente y complaciente con sus fans.

    Durante su presentación en el programa de Susana, Thalía aprovechó la ocasión para enseñar el lujoso anillo que Mottola le regaló hace unas semanas.

    "Hoy vivo más contenta, alegre y optimista gracias a Tommy", expresó.

    Aunque Thalía no quiso revelar el valor de la joya, Susana comentó al aire que cuesta más de 10 mil dólares.

    "Sí pienso casarme y tener muchos hijos, ya que vengo de una familia de cinco hermanas", expresó Thalía en el programa, "(el casarse) es un secreto muy nuestro y cuando esté cerca el momento, se lo haremos saber a todos".

    Thalía lució una figura radiante, lo que causó los piropos no sólo de sus fans, sino hasta de los técnicos argentinos del programa de Susana.

    Como es su costumbre, la conductora hizo sentir a su invitada como en casa y la elogió por el éxito que ha tenido en su carrera.

    Al reanudar el tema de la vida personal de la actriz, Thalía reiteró su admiración por Tommy.

    "Cuanto más ocupada estaba trabajando llegó el amor verdadero, gracias a Dios", comentó, "(Tommy) es un tipo sensacional, me apoya en todo. Ahora sí estoy realmente enamorada".

    En su estancia de dos días, Thalía se la pasó trabajando, ya que tenía muchos compromisos que atender: Visitó siete canales de televisión, seis estaciones de radio y ofreció una miniconferencia de prensa para 15 medios del interior del país.

    La cantante estuvo acompañada por su mamá, Yolanda, y debido al intenso trabajo, Thalía decidió no hacer mucha vida nocturna, ya que prefirió irse a dormir temprano a su hotel.
    Date: June 19,  2000
    News Source:
     Balitang K  T.V. show©

    Never Ending Love for Thalia and now as "Rosalinda"

    Host: Miss Korina Sanchez
    By: Anna

    "Rosalinda" Fever Hits Filipinos' Hearts.

    It has been four years since most Filipinos had fallen in love with Thalia for the first time via a telenovela, and ever since she came back via "Rosalinda" this year 2000, the affection, love and the passion, the Filipinos have for Thalia, has been awakened anew. Balitang K a local TV program hosted by Miss Korina Sanchez tried to dissect the reasons why "Rosalinda" makes Filipinos from all walks of life, from all ages, with different creed and beliefs from the north to the south, set their eyes every 7:00 in the evening on the TV set just to watch the telenovela by Thalia either they be in the office, hospital, bus coach, grocery store near by, neighbor's television set, and why human activities stops when Thalia appears.  Even dance clubs, discos, websites ( mentioned and shown on TV, the and sites), radio stations in both FM & AM dial nation wide, and game shows are not spared from the "Rosalinda"/Thalia fever.  First, they gave some strong points that makes "Rosalinda" tick, as they described the physical beauty of the star of the telenovela.  They say that, Thalia's eyes are tender, and very expressive, her mannerisms are very attractive, the way her head moves while talking, her lips of cherry, her cheeks so perfectly placed, her hair so soft and glossy, and the sexy and nice clothes she wears.  Her beauty is an invitation to envy. They also strongly pointed out because of the descent and good characteristics of the star. Another set of points that they tackled on why "Rosalinda" is so popular nation wide is because of the story which attracts the Filipinos love for real great love stories, Filipinos love for real good entertainment, and the fact that the Filipinos love to talk about people even though they are only characters in a film. The host jokingly commented that it's better to talk about "Rosalinda" than to talk about real people/ neighbors which is part and parcel of human kind. But, why are these assets sets Thalia apart from the rest?  Well, she just have these !
    certain qualities which were never really been discovered and exposed to reveal but, whatever the reasons why "Rosalinda"  hits hard on the Filipinos hearts and minds it's because of  a lady named THALIA.